1.Since Nicolas was a real person, and since the actual date of his birth is known, we can derive the date of the book where he is mentioned.
2.Received for shipment bills state that the goods have been received for shipment, and do not indicate the actual date of loading.
3.There is evidence in book two, specifically the cake at Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party, that the actual date is none of these years.
4.The parameter since allows you to apply an actual date to your timeline filter, as opposed to an ID.
5.The actual date that the sample(s) were tested should be included in the bottom row of the table.
6.By 46 B. C. , the Roman year was more than two whole months off the actual date.
7.I dreaded leaving so much that I avoided telling people the actual date of my move.
8.At those future dates, Mercury will not be retrograde, making those more attractive for acting on the actual date of the conjunction.
9.The Date of Bill of Lading shall be taken as the actual date of the delivery of the TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION.
10.UPS does not provide pickup service on these days. For actual date of shipment departure, please contact your local UPS office.